Thursday, June 17, 2010

What it takes to be rich

Everyday is a battle. I am battling against my nature of going with the flow. I enjoy letting things happen as they may, but for this goal we are set on completing, I have to make things happen. I can't just wait around for riches to fall into my lap, because this seldom happens.

Although I love to go with the flow, I also love and embrace change. My problem right now is a lack of direction to go with. I am all for making waves in this pond, but I really need to know how I am going to do that, then full steam ahead! If someone told you exactly what to do to be rich in a year, wouldn't you do exactly what that person said (ethics considered)? I guess that is why it is so difficult to get rich, the "unattainable dream" as I have heard it called. Well some do attain it and I feel that I am no less than they.

I have it in my spirit, my personality, to be wealthy. I have never questioned my dreams and aspirations as to whether or not they will happen. The questions are: When? How? Well, we pretty much have the when covered with my goal (see sidebar) but the how is lacking. It isn't a lack of research either (see book list on sidebar). My husband and I have read all of the books on this list, we are still reading more and there are probably some we haven't listed. They inspire me, make me dream, hope and know that someday we will be like the "lucky ones" that we read about.

These people are not usually so "lucky" as they are tenacious. Yes, some people go with their gut and end up in all of the right circumstances and seem very lucky when great things happen to them. Most people who make it rich are not luck, more like the opposite. Most of their stories involve overcoming incredible odds, applying themselves more than would seem possible. These people truly deserve the wealth they have accumulated. These are the people that we hope to be.

That is why we are writing this blog, to document the incredible odds that we will be overcoming within the next year or so. To tell how we did it, what we were thinking, every step of the way. There are going to be some inspiring entries and some entries that are downright depressing. Stick with us until the end and you may witness a great story unfolding.

"I didn't say it would be easy, I said it would be worth it" -Brian Perry

1 comment:

FranticMommy said...

This post is amazing. It's like I wrote it myself. hard be ambitious and tenacious. It almost feels like a curse sometimes. That voice in our head that fills us with ideas and encourages us to do (and want) "more, more, more". I am in the same boat as you. Full of ideas and dreams and aspriations...but with very little time and even less money. BUT, I pick away at my dreams everyday and move forward. Even if it is only in millimeters. Make a plan and follow it. I read something about how water boils at 211 degrees. At 212 degrees is turns to steam. Steam can power a locomotive. Do what you can to BE that extra degree. Do something everyday that takes you from just "being really hot" to having the power to move a machine. Good luck to you. sorry this is os long!